Staying sexy in the winter

Feeling and looking sexy in the winter has its own unique challenges.  Try some of these tips to increase your sexiness in the winter months : 

- The suns isn't out much so get some when you can.  A mid day walk is a great time to get a little exercise and some sunshine.

- Tight fitting winter clothes and bright colors are your friend!

- If you can afford it you might consider going to a tanning salon.

- Winter is a great time to join a gym to keep your body sexy and boost your self confidence.

- Make sure to drink plenty of water!  Just because it's winter doesn't mean you don't need water anymore!

Just because it's cold out doesn't mean you can't dress sexy, it just means you need a nice warm long coat to keep you warm while wearing sexy clothes underneath.

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Look sexy and feel sexy with the right clothes

Appropriate clothing plays a huge role in how sexy you look and feel. What you'll wear is very dependent on what you're doing and where you're going, it's important to dress properly for the occasion.

Common clothing mistakes

- Wearing the wrong size : too loose or too tight can be a bad thing

- Too flashy :
clothing that draws attention is fine but some items go too far, avoid these

a very not sexy dress

- Out of style : some clothing was only popular for a short amount of time, try avoiding wearing something that's obviously old because of its style

- Bad colors : some colors just weren't meant for clothes and some colors don't go well with some skin tones, if you're not sure play it safe and go with a color you know looks good

People who make these mistakes tend to make the same kind of mistake over and over. For example people who tend to wear clothes too tight or wear strange colors tend to have a lot of clothes that match that description. To make sure you look and feel your sexiest it's important that you identify the problem and correct it.

If you're over weight or self conscious it's still better to wear something that fits reasonably instead of something that's so big that it hides your figure completely. If nothing else properly fitted clothes say that you're comfortable with your body and give you an air of self confidence and everyone thinks self confidence is sexy.

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Sexy one step at a time

Walking is by far the easiest exercise out there and when done consistently will give you excellent benefits. Walking will boost your skins natural glow, tone your figure, raise your confidence and is the healthy thing to do.

To get the maximum 'sexy output' from your walk try flexing the muscles you're wanting to tone the most while walking. So if you're going for a sexy butt or shapely thighs give those muscles a little extra squeeze as you walk.

An important part of any exercise routine (and your daily life) is drinking enough water. Water plays an important role in keeping your skin, hair, and even smile looking as sexy as possible. To top it all off if you exercise while dehydrated you might be doing more harm than good. Drink up!

Next : Looking sexy in the summer

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